Course Offerings
Tentative 2024-2025 MENA Course Offerings:
Fall 2024
Instructor | Primary Course # | Course Title | MENA Category |
Brack | HISTORY 395 | Jews and Muslims: Intertwined Worlds | History |
Dowad | ART_HIST 359 | Cairo/Paris: Art & Empire in the Modern City | Humanities |
Ehrlich | JWSH_ST 279 | We’re Here, We’re Queer: Queer Narratives in Hebrew Literature and Culture | Humanities |
Hamid | RELIGION 250 | Intro to Islam | Humanities |
Hamid | RELIGION 354 | Sufism | Humanities |
Hilel | JWSH_ST 280 | Leisure and Popular Culture in 20th Century Palestine | History |
Petrovsky-Shtern | HISTORY 200 | Jerusalem: History, Memory, Fantasy | History |
Salem | POLI_SCI 390 | Muslim Politics | Social Science |
Topcuoglu | ART_HIST 378 | The Global City: Babylon | Humanities |
Qader | FRENCH 465 | Errancy, Writing, and Francophone African Fiction |
Winter 2025
Instructor | Primary Course # | Course Title | MENA Category |
Brack | HISTORY 300 | The Mongol Empire | History |
Hilel | JWSH_ST 280 | The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Competing Narratives | History |
Hilel | JWSH_ST 280 | The Holocaust and its Memory in Israel | History |
Johnson | MENA 390 | Postcolonial Noir | Humanities |
Lauziere | HISTORY 374 | The Arabian Peninsula Since the 18th century | History |
Ozkan | MENA 390 | Inheritance and Loss in the Middle East | History |
Topcuoglu | MENA 290 | Foodways of Turkey: A Multi-Ethnic Look at Food, Culture, and Identity | History |
Yosmaoglu | HISTORY 200 | Europe’s Islamic Empire | History |
Spring 2025
Instructor | Primary Course # | Course Title | MENA Category |
Abulhab | MENA 390 | What Is Normal: Biopolitics, Disability, and the State | Social Science |
Abusada | MENA 390 | Palestinian National Movement | Social Science |
Brack | HISTORY 300 | Nomads in World History | History |
Ehrlich | JWSH_ST 279 | Exploring Hebrew Literature (in translation): Past, Present, and Future | Humanities |
Hamid | RELIGION 359 | Biblical Prophets in Islam | Humanities |
Hamid | RELIGION 379 | Mediating Religion | Humanities |
Hilel | JWSH_ST 280 | Jews and Arabs in Palestine/The Land of Israel, 1880-1948 | History |
Kinra | HISTORY 274 | Indo-Persian Lit as Global Lit: Love, Longing, & Dissent | History |
Seltzer | JWSH_ST 280 | Othering and Otherness in Israeli Film | Humanities |
Sharpe | MENA 390 | Pop Music, History, and the Nation | History |
Topcuoglu | MENA 290 | Tomb Robbers, Smugglers, and Millionaires: Looting and Trafficking of Antiquities in the Middle East | Humanities |
Winegar | MENA 200 | Making the Modern Middle East | |
Dowad | ART_HIST 450 | France & the Ottomans: Art & Revolution Between Empires | |
Johnson | ENGLISH 461 | Translation Problems (Between Arabic and English) | |
Kinra | HISTORY 405 | Orientalism and its Discontents |