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Course Offerings


Tentative 2024-2025 MENA Course Offerings:
Fall 2024
Instructor Primary Course # Course Title MENA Category
Brack HISTORY 395 Jews and Muslims: Intertwined Worlds History
Dowad ART_HIST 359 Cairo/Paris: Art & Empire in the Modern City Humanities
Ehrlich JWSH_ST 279 We’re Here, We’re Queer: Queer Narratives in Hebrew Literature and Culture Humanities
Hamid RELIGION 250 Intro to Islam Humanities
Hamid RELIGION 354 Sufism Humanities
Hilel JWSH_ST 280 Leisure and Popular Culture in 20th Century Palestine History
Petrovsky-Shtern HISTORY 200 Jerusalem: History, Memory, Fantasy History
Salem POLI_SCI 390 Muslim Politics Social Science
Topcuoglu ART_HIST 378 The Global City: Babylon Humanities
Qader FRENCH 465 Errancy, Writing, and Francophone African Fiction
 Winter 2025
Instructor Primary Course # Course Title MENA Category
Brack HISTORY 300 The Mongol Empire History
Hilel JWSH_ST 280 The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Competing Narratives History
Hilel JWSH_ST 280 The Holocaust and its Memory in Israel History
Johnson MENA 390 Postcolonial Noir Humanities
Lauziere HISTORY 374 The Arabian Peninsula Since the 18th century History
Ozkan MENA 390 Inheritance and Loss in the Middle East History
Topcuoglu MENA 290 Foodways of Turkey: A Multi-Ethnic Look at Food, Culture, and Identity History
Yosmaoglu HISTORY 200 Europe’s Islamic Empire History
 Spring 2025
Instructor Primary Course # Course Title MENA Category
Abulhab MENA 390 What Is Normal: Biopolitics, Disability, and the State Social Science
Abusada MENA 390 Palestinian National Movement Social Science
Brack HISTORY 300 Nomads in World History History
Ehrlich JWSH_ST 279 Exploring Hebrew Literature (in translation): Past, Present, and Future Humanities
Hamid RELIGION 359 Biblical Prophets in Islam Humanities
Hamid RELIGION 379 Mediating Religion Humanities
Hilel JWSH_ST 280 Jews and Arabs in Palestine/The Land of Israel, 1880-1948 History
Kinra HISTORY 274 Indo-Persian Lit as Global Lit: Love, Longing, & Dissent History
Seltzer JWSH_ST 280 Othering and Otherness in Israeli Film Humanities
Sharpe MENA 390 Pop Music, History, and the Nation History
Topcuoglu MENA 290 Tomb Robbers, Smugglers, and Millionaires: Looting and Trafficking of Antiquities in the Middle East Humanities
Winegar MENA 200 Making the Modern Middle East
Dowad ART_HIST 450 France & the Ottomans: Art & Revolution Between Empires
Johnson ENGLISH 461 Translation Problems (Between Arabic and English)
Kinra HISTORY 405 Orientalism and its Discontents