Study Abroad
While study abroad is not required for the MENA Studies major, we strongly encourage students who are able to study abroad to take advantage of the invaluable chance to learn about the region from the region. Please write the MENA Studies Director with any questions about how to integrate study abroad into your MENA studies experience.
Northwestern University classrooms extend well beyond the Evanston campus. One of the best ways to explore and expand your interest in the Middle East and North Africa is to live and study abroad.
The major in MENA Studies encourages a study abroad experience in the Middle East or North Africa, which may be fulfilled by completing a summer language institute in the region, summer research, or via a study abroad program during the academic year. Students should explore possible study abroad options early in their sophomore year and should consult with the MENA Director.
Policy for transferring credit to the MENA undergraduate program:
Students are strongly encouraged to seek advising from a MENA advisor prior to departure in order to understand the program's policy on transferring course credit and to receive help in the selection of courses abroad.
When students return to Northwestern, they should make an appointment with their MENA advisor and bring the following materials:
- Syllabi from courses*,
- Major course work (papers, tests, presentations, journals, etc.)*,
- Course descriptions,
- Notebooks if possible to better clarify the course material,
- Petition for Credit for Courses Taken Abroad* (print this form and bring it to your advising appointment)
- A copy of your transcript from your school abroad*
*the most important materials to bring back
This way, the adviser can see what was taught in totality, additionally, the Dean's office will also require these materials. Sometimes students can only bring limited work back, like a journal. Students should bring back as much as possible.
Since the major is housed in WCAS, students must complete the Petition for Credit for Courses Taken Abroad form if they want courses taken abroad to count towards the MENA Major. This applies to all students regardless of whether or not they are in WCAS.
For the SIT program, students should bring their independent study paper, journal and anything else associated with that learning experience. The procedures for the SIT credit are the same but might require a different form. Students should contact the Global Learning Office regarding this.
The Global Learning Office
The Global Learning Office (GLO)'s current list of affiliated programs includes many in countries all over the world, including in North Africa and the Middle East. Some programs are university-based, meaning that students live in one place and commute to school to take university courses. Other programs are field-based, meaning that they focus more on fieldwork and independent research projects. Some programs specialize in a particular area of study — for example, music, political science, or social justice — while others are general programs, with a full range of university offerings. Whatever your interests may be, the Global Learning Office has a program for you! For a list of all programs, please visit the GLO website.
Northwestern's list of sites is constantly changing and growing, so be sure to contact the Global Learning Office for updated information or to make an appointment with an advisor.
Global Learning Office1800 Sherman Ave, Suite 4-400
Evanston, IL 60208
(847) 467-6400