Malaika Shuck

Primary Department: Art History
Began Graduate Studies: 2023
Malaika Shuck is a doctoral student of Art History at Northwestern University whose work focuses on the art produced by African Diasporic, Middle Eastern, and North African (MENA) artists working in modern and contemporary periods. Her current intellectual ambitions seek to explore how artists of African and Middle Eastern descent have responded to the trauma of missing or unknown histories left in the wake of decolonization from the second half of the 20th century to the present day. Through her research, she aspires to parse the seemingly obscure interaction between North African and Sub-Saharan African visual lexicons and how colonial intervention on the continent has contributed to this opacity and potential erasure. Prior to attending Northwestern, Malaika was a student at The Gallatin School of Individualized Study at New York University and has held internship positions at the Studio Museum in Harlem, The Whitney Museum of American Art, and The Museum of Modern Art.