Course |
Title |
Day/Time |
Instructor |
MENA 200-0-1 |
Making the Modern Middle East |
TTh 2pm-3:20pm |
Jessica Winegar |
MENA 290-4-1 |
Indo-Persian Lit as Global Lit: Love, Longing, & Dissent |
MW 2pm-3:20pm |
Rajeev Kinra |
MENA 290-4-2 |
Jews and Arabs in Palestine/The Land of Israel, 1880-1948 |
TTh 11am-12:20pm |
Maayan Hilel |
MENA 290-6-1 |
Tomb Robbers, Smugglers, and Millionaires: Looting and Trafficking of Antiquities in the Middle East |
MW 2pm-3:20pm |
Oya Topcuoglu |
MENA 290-6-2 |
Exploring Hebrew Literature (in translation): Past, Present, and Future |
MW 11am-12:20pm |
Guy Ehrlich |
MENA 290-6-3 |
Othering and Otherness in Israeli Film |
MW 9:30am-10:50am |
Hanna Seltzer |
MENA 390-3-1 |
What Is Normal: Biopolitics, Disability, and the State |
MW 3:30pm-4:50pm |
Aseel Abulhab |
MENA 390-3-2 |
Palestinian National Movement |
TTh 12:30pm-1:50pm |
Mkhaimar Abusada |
MENA 390-4-1 |
Nomads in World History |
MWF 10am-10:50am |
Yoni Brack |
MENA 390-4-2 |
Pop Music, History, and the Nation |
TTh 3:30pm-4:50pm |
Kenan Sharpe |
MENA 390-5-1 |
Biblical Prophets in Islam |
MW 12:30pm-1:50pm |
Usman Hamid |
MENA 390-5-2 |
Mediating Religion |
TTh 3:30pm-4:50pm |
Usman Hamid |
MENA 410-0-1 |
France & the Ottomans: Art & Revolution Between Empires |
W 2pm-4:50pm |
Thadeus Dowad |
MENA 411-0-1 |
Translation Problems (Between Arabic and English) |
T 2pm-4:50pm |
Rebecca Johnson |
MENA 490-0-1 |
Orientalism and its Discontents |
T 2pm-4:50pm |
Rajeev Kinra |